Wide Open Spaces

Back to Twin Lakes

The first night spent in Twin Lakes Colorado was kind of scary. After around 20 hours in the car we pulled up to this intersection in the middle of the night. My cell phone GPS is going haywire at this point, and buildings are scarce so theres very little light other than starlight. Finally, I realize where we’re supposed to be, so we head another mile down the road (yes, GPS was that far off)…only to see a sign saying “Campground Full” (which has recurred several times since then). As I turn the car around to leave, I’m shocked that we missed the BLM site – I never saw a sign, never saw a turn in, nothing…and then my lights hit this boy who seems to have been crying by a tree. I shined my headlights right in his face and hardly noticed him. So, amidst an apology for bright-lighting him, I asked him if the road behind him was to the BLM site…it was this terribly rocky road and I wasn’t sure if the car would make it up there…and, of course, he said “Yes”. After our conversation he seemed to have perked up, so don’t worry!

At this point I’m a little nervous for the car and I’m a little weary from driving so long, and I’m fumbling with the tent poles. Agggh!

But I woke up to a scene that looked like this…

Daily Photo – Twin Lakes Cove

Photo by Travis Dale from http://www.earthselfies.com

Fishermen and a sunrise to my left. Blues, greens, and yellows. Tiny Cabins on the lakeshore across from me. Paradise may just be in Colorado.

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This world is too big to explore alone. Come with me and I'll show you all of my favorite places, images, and things that make each place so unique. I'll also teach photography tips and tricks along the way so that you can capture all your favorite things in the world.


E. travis@earthselfies.com